Where the Alexandria Located ?
- Is one of the most important resorts at the Middle East and the second city of Egypt, it lies the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea north west the Nile delta on which it’s about 225 k.m from Cairo by the delta road and 221 k.m by the desert road
- Alex was built by. ” Alexander the Great “ who is considered the greatest conquerors along the centuries on which he conquered the world east and when Alexander The Great conquered Egypt in year 332 B.C he went to the city of Memphis where he was crowned as the new pharaoh of Egypt , this coronation took place in the temple of God Ptah of Memphis then, Alexander The Great decided to consult the oracle of Amun at siwa oasis .
- He followed the Canopic branch of the Nile until he reached The Mediterranean Sea , then he began to head to the west where he noticed the strategic site of ancient Egyptian village for fisherman called Rhakotis , he ordered his chief architect Dinocrates to plan the new city .
- Alexander The Great continued his trip to Siwa oasis where he consulted the oracle of Amun , there after the consultation Alexander the great was very happy and sent a letter to his mother Olympia’s, telling her that she would be the first person to know the full details of the oracle , when he returns to Macedonia ...? Alexander the Great never returned to Macedonia and he died at Babylon in the year 323 B.C.
The planning of Alexandria ( Rhakotis )
- Dinocrates planned the city as vertical streets intersecting with horizontal streets , in other world the plan of the city looked like a chess board .
- there were 2 main streets , one runs from east to west , it is identified now as EIHORIA avenue and the other street runs from north to south , it is difficult to be identified up till now , however some scholars believe that it is EL NABI DANIAL street , while other scholars believe that it’s further east near EL SHATBI
- the city was divided into 5 main quarters , they were named after the first 5 letters of the Greek alphabet and he connected between the village of Rakoda and the island of pharaos by a bridge.
- Nothing is known about the location of the 5 districts of Alex , all what we know is that the Jews lived in the delta quarter , 4th districts the streets of Alex were paved by small blocks of Bazalt.
Opposite the new city ...there was an island called FAROS which was connected the main land of Alexandria...1- The eastern harbor was the main port ...2- while the western harbor was a subsidiary port in ancient times ....but in recent years the western port became the main port of modern and the eastern port became a port of fishermen .
IIt was MOHAMED ALI who began to develop the city and its port ....Alexandria nowadays became the second biggest city in Egypt.
The importance of the intersection of the 2 main streets of Alexandria
Is that the tomb of Alexandria The Great was built there... as well as the royal Cemetery for the Ptolemaic dynasty.
The royal quarter occupied 1/3 of the city it contained the royal places , the government offices as well as the public buildings it was overlooking the eastern harbor.
The city of Alexandria was run by a council whose members were elected by the people of Alexandria from the rich and elderly people.
Alexandria was almost completed during the reign of Philadelphia.. Ptolemy 2nd ....and became the greatest city in the Hellenistic period.
In the Roman period .... the city became less important and it began to decline in the 14th century A.D. A hugs earthquake struck the city , so the people disserted the city and it was reduced to a small city are known today as BAHARI.
Why Was Called Kom El Dekka ?
1- In Historical back on the excavations at Kom El Dekka the area is named Kom El Dekka after the Alexandrian historian Al Nouaeriy when he watched the height of a mount of dust because the digging of El Mahmoudia Canal at the time of MOHAMED ALI the founder of the modern history of Egypt2- The mere chance played a great role on revealing this great monument from the Roman period.
3- At the year 1960 a government orders were issued to remove the hill and built a new state there , while they were digging down they discovered the first row of the theatre, excavations were undertaken by the polish center of Archeology with the collaboration of the Graeco Roman Museum.4- The building dates to the 4th century A.D when the Islamic conquest of AMR EBN EL AAS had came at 642 A.D , the area was used as on Arab necropolis , the upper one dating from 13th - 14th À.D , the lower one from the 8th - 9th A.D .
This theatre had witnessed 3 eras , Roman - Byzontine and Islamic time .
The Roman Theater:

1- Over 30 years of excavation have uncovered many Roman remains including this well-preserved theatre with galleries,Section of mosaic-flooring and marble seats for up to 800 spectators.
2- In Ptolemaic times ,this area was the park and a pleasure garden, the Theater at one point may had been roofed over to serve as an court for musical performance.
3- The theater a stood with 13 Semi-Circular tiers of white marble that were imported from Europe ... its columns are of green marble imported from Asia and red granite imported from Aswan.
4- The wings on either sides of the stage are decorated with geometric Mosaic paving .
5- Near to the theater you can see the substantial arches and walls in stone , the brick of the Roman baths, and the remains of Roman houses.
The description of the theatre
It’s on the horse shoe shape , wrongly known as a theatre because it’s architect is not a semicircle as Theatre, so its an odeum for listening the music.
It consists of 13 marble rows of white marble , seats labeled by Ancient Greek Alphabet Letters, the base is from red granite stone to hold the gravity of the building .
At the top 2to 5 chapels had survived for the rich people of Alex , and they used to carry the dome which soon fell into ruins , it was to protect them from rain and sun.
Its constructed on 2 thick walls from limestone to strength the building, between the 2 walls a passage for the workers of the place , at the middle you can see the orchestra area.
On both sides of the central part , the vestibule is embellished with black and white Mosaics with geometrical ornaments .
Then to the right and the left , there are 2 pedestals for the statue of the Emperor and the Empress.
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