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Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun

It consists of 2 parts outer part & inner part

Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun

-The outer part

- Consists of 4 corners posts surrounded by a cavetto cornice , frieze of Cob Solar disk inlaid with faience and colores glass .

- In between the corner posts of each side of the shrine a statue for one of the protective Goddesses identified by hieroglyphic emblem shown on her head is standing .

- These statues are represented in standing attitude with the feet in wards with extending arms as if guarding the vise inside their heads are slightly inclining either towards right or left breaking the ancient Egyptian rule of front .

- it’s made out of wood , stuccod and gilded .
-The Canopic shrine stands on a sledge , which is also made of wood , stuccod and gilded.

Goddess Isis

She was sister and wife of God Osiris and mother of Horus , Thus she was the symolic mother of all Egyptian Kings who were considered a human manifestation of god Horus, the living king was Horus when he died became Osiris .
Her name is 3st which means Throne « seat « should was recognized with the emblem Throne on her head , from the new kingdom, she was closely connected with Goddess Hathor 2 horns solar disk on her head .

Goddess Nephthys : she was wife of the evil god , Serket and mother of Ambis from a unique with Osiris .

A positive part of her that she was the sister of Goddess and that positive connection freed her from any negative attitude that could be expected from her connection with together with Isis , they were seen on the exterior of the sarcophagus and coffins outstretching their arms and they were called 2 mourning ladies her name Nbt ....byt means the lady of the house .

Goddess Neith

she was goddess of Sais in the Delta, she became particularly important in the dynasty when Sais became the capital of Egypt.
She was war goddess represented by the emblem of 2 bows on her head.
It’s believed that she was the inventor of weaving and linked with mummy bandages .

- Goddess Serket

she was identified with the emblem the scorpion on her head.

It was believed that she could cure the bite of the scope and she was probably the patroness of magicians deal with such bites .

Her name is Srkt htyt means she who causes the Throat to breathe .

- Anubis

Who was Anubis ?
- Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god of mummific embalming and the guide of the dead in the after , he was also responsible for introducing the decease , the tribunal of Judges for the weighing of the heart .
- The ancient Egyptians used to see the Jackal is proud about their tombs and devouring the dead bodies, so they started to worship it in order to be protected from the Jackal .
