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Mastaba of Ti

What’s classified?

1- This is probably the finest tomb in the entire funerary complex.
2- Ti was a high court official and wealthy landowner of the early 5th dynasty .
Its mural reliefs are among the finest and best preserved of the old kingdom as well as the most interesting.
3- we could call him a “ vip “ unique friend holder of secrets - head of the kings works , director of the pyramids of Nefer - Ka- Ra and Niuser-Ra these are only some of the inscriptions describing him in the tomb .
4- From the enterance a door on the right leads into a side room in which the colors of the reliefs are excellently preserved .
5- On the right hand wall Ti on the right receiving votive gifts ( flowers - cakes - poultry) .
6- Offering table with votive offerings servants carrying offerings .
7- On the near wall we can see potter’s , brewers and bakers .
Below A man measuring corn and scribes recording the quantity.
8- On the corridor between the side room and the main room there are nice reliefs of sailing boats.
9- Bulls are being slaughtered .
10- The main chapel : to the left of the enterance, Ti sitting with his wife kneeling beside him watching harvest operations.
11- Ti sitting with his wife kneeling beside him watching harvest operations.

Notice : How she embraces his leg
[ Her name Nefer Hoteb ]

Harvest operations

1- farmers tie the sack which is full with cereals . farmers load the sacks on the donkeys Cereals are being stored in a storeroom .
- On the threshing floor donkeys and oxen are treading out the corn .... farmers control the donkeys to load the sacks on them .

Notice : The motion in the reliefs .
- farmers load the sacks of grain on the donkeys. Rams are driven over the newly sown ground to treat in the seed . Tilling the ground ( one man plowing ) with 2 oxen while another spurs them on .

- Tilling- Rams are driven over the newly sown ground to treat in the seed while to the right 3 men are hoeing
- Cattle returning from pasturage in the delta are driven through the water , in front herdsman carring a young calf on his shoulders .
- Ti on a Papyrus watching hunting and fishing. Ti sailing through the marshes in a papyrus boat in front of him another boat with a crew of 4 men .
- The crew are hunting hippopotamus with harpoons .A hippopotamus biting a crocodile.
Boat men are quarreling and fighting .
- Cranes ........> bend of metal - shaping the tree trunks construction of the ship with workmen using adzes, mallets and crowbars .
- Carpenters sawing blanks working with drills polishing of a bedstead .
- women bearing offerings of meat , poultry , vegetables, fruit and drink from Ti’s various estates .

Mastaba of Ti

The names of which are given

The Mastaba of Kagemmi 

1- The tomb belongs to another important potentate and learned high priest of teti’s court who was also the superintendent of the pharaohs pyramid.

2- The building is half solid like early Mastabas and half composed of pillared rooms , chambers and stores .

3- The decorations of the secondary rooms are even more lovely than those in the funerary chambers that lead to the Serdab .

4- The scenes of fishing and offerings at the enterance and the engraved reliefs in the pillared room representing games and dancing , farm work and a Judgement taking place in the tribunal of teti are all beautifully executed.
this is beautiful but the monument used many architecture and excellent more worked in all time that the mastaba had been constructed in older building that we know about that which Don't lose relevance who told them about Don't lose relevance Our ancestors and told all the world about our cultures in Egypt that the Egyptian built it with Exertion.
