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Saqqara Complex

Saqqara Complex

 ? Who is its designer

 1- This complex is designed by Imhotep , the royal chief architect of king Zoser. .
2- Zoser is the founder of the Third dynasty , his name derived from “ geser “ in Egyptian meaning “ sacred “ “ divine one “ and his Horus name Ntr_ht which means “ the divine body “ and whose importance is such that his name is written in Red ink in the Turin Canon of kings....Saqqara derived from Suker god of Necropolis .
3- Djoser is Saqqara and Saqqara is Djoser , the majestic step pyramid of Djoser at the center of the funerary complex of Saqqara , is the oldest structure in the world entirely built of stone .
Discovered in 1821 by the Prussian German : Von Minutoli .
4- Originally it was constructed in the form of a normal Mastaba , which in Arab means bench or shelf was the tomb of nobility and court dignitaries rectangular in shape and with slightly inward leaning walls . 
A second Mastaba was added on top of the first, then a third and several more until a pyramid of 6 gradually diminishing layers existed .


- is one of the great geniuses in the history of mankind Architect, magician , philosopher, so great a doctor that the Greeks identified him with “Asclepius “ their god of medicine.
- He was without doubt the author of a book of knowledge which however, has been entirely lost . 
- Imhotep followed the family tradition, his father was “ kanofer “ whom the pharaoh personally appointed to be in charge of all the kingdom’s building .
- He learned his trade in his father’s workshop probably in Memphis , firstly carving stone vases then becoming a sculptor , architect and subsequently rising to assume the highest offices of the state , both religious and administrative .
The high priest of Heliopolis as well as a grand vizier on the base of a statue erected in honor of Djoser an engraving describes him as first after the king .
- on becoming a deity , Imhotep :  whose name means “ he comes in peace “
- The appearance of Imhotep had a great impact on the development of pharaonic architecture significantly.. It appeared because of his skill in the architecture.., instead of the buildings of ancient times consisting of stone and wood .... Imhotep was not a builder of pyramids and temples only, and this is what the priests who were amazed by the genius of Imhotep had realised in many fields , he had a lot of knowledge in medicine , where he wrote papyri manuscripts for treatment....he was aware of the art of mummification and anatomy in addition to his great knowledge in the science of stars ....... Imhotep invented many medicinal drugs .... He also founded a medical school in the Egyptian city of Memphis , which after his death became the seat of his worship . 
- Imhotep , discovered how to cut stone for the building of monuments yet , also introduced the new techniques extensively bringing about an unprecedented artistic revolution.
- what is most surprising is the disappearance of his grave and the books that he wrote , which makes his disappearance in this mysterious form a mystery in itself! Archaeologists have been unable to find his grave, or even to find some of his books . 
