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Store rooms and magazines of Saqqara

Where’s that ? 

1- It is situated on east side of the complex in the area between the collonnade and the Heb sed court .
2- They were perhaps used for storing the tools , equipments and afferings needed for per forming the rituals in the Heb sed festival .

The open court 

1- There is an after in the north side of this court for placing the offering over it during the Heb sed festival.
2- There are 2 pairs of hooven ( 2 B letters ) built by Tura limestone to the south of the after .
3- The purpose of these 2 hooves to mark the place in which king performed the running ritual in the Hep sed festival.

 The Southern tomb

1- It is situated on the south west corner of the open court .
2- The superstructure consist of a solid rectangular building with longer axis running from east to west .
3- The roof of this structure is curved .
4- The structure of this tomb consist of a shaft at the bottom of it .
5- 2 rooms were built one above the other .
6- The burial chamber ( the lower one ) was built of red granite and measures about 5. 3 feet .
7- the size of the burial chamber is too small to contain a human body in normal position so it might have been used as a cenotaph ( symbolic ) tomb .

The southern tomb

The Cobra Frieze 

1- On the north of the southern tomb lies a rectangular building with 2 rooms inside it .
2- The outer walls of this building are dressed with Tura limestone and are decorated at the top by a frieze Cobras .
3- The Cobra Frieze may suggest that It had been used as funerary chapel for the southern tomb .

The Northern tomb 

1- The development of the superstructure of the step pyramid.
2- The step pyramid began as a square Mastaba measures 63 M long and 8 M high .
3- An extension of 3M on all sides were added with casing .
4- Extension of 9 M on the east side without casing .
5- Extension of 9m on all sides, then they began to built the mortuary temple .
6- Extension to north and west.
7- small addition on all sides .
8- casing of Tura limestone and the 6 steps were completed .

The Substructure 

1- The enterence of the step pyramid at the north side with a long shaft .
2- At the bottom of this shaft built burial chamber of red granite measures 9.9 feet in length and 5.6 feet in height .
3- The burial chamber has no door but has a hole , its roof in order to insert the mummy of the king in burial chamber .
4- Under the east side of the step pyramid there are 11 shafts used for buring the members of the royal family .
