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The pyramids of Menkaure and Chefren

Cheops and the stars 

1- Some scholars tell us that Great Gallery of Cheops pyramid was originally an astronomical observatory that the pharaoh only later used as his tomb . 
2- This view was shared by a number of 18th century astronomers. 
3- In any event scholars have demonstrated that at the time of construction of the pyramids . The 2 ventilation shafts of the royal chamber which communicate with the outside were dinged with the stars of the ancient sky . 
The North shaft  with the circumpolar stars in particular Theban. The south shaft with Orion’s Belt . 

- The Pyramid of Khafre
Ancient name : Khafre
Original height : 143.4 M
Current height : 136.2 M
Length of side: 215.2 M
Angle : 5o - 20
Burial chamber 2

Who was Khafre ?

1- After Khufu’s death, his son Djedfre , ruled for only 8 years and constructed his pyramid at Abu Rawash about 5 miles north of the Giza plateau.
2- His successor , Khafre , another son of Khufu , known as chefren and his mother queen Henutsen .
3- He built his pyramid complex south west of his father Khufu’s complex .
4- It is also known as the second pyramid and is somewhat smaller than the pyramid of Khufu .
5- Never the less , because it was built in a slightly more elevated position and its faces are more inclined .
It gives the impression of being the largest of the pyramids of Giza .
6- The pyramid complex of Khafre is the most complete old kingdom complex .
7- It is identified with Khafre through statues and inscriptions found in the valley temple and reliefs from the funerary Temple.
8- First opened in modern times in 1818 .
9- It is the only pyramid which still retains a part of original covering of Tura limestone , which can be seen near its apex .
10- The burial chamber contains a great granite sarcophagus and its lid with no inscriptions or decorations and the signature of Belzoni dated March 2- 1818 The day of discovery.

- The pyramid of Mycerinu

The pyramids of Menkaure and Chefren

Ancient Name: Menkaure is divine
Original height : 66 M
Current height : 65.5 M
Length of side: 103.3 M
Angle : 50 . 30
Burial chamber 2

1- The pyramid of Menkaure , Khafre’s son and successor known to the Greek as Mycerinus is the smallest pyramid at Giza.
2- He reigned 30 years and it was opened in 1837 .
3- The pyramid is attributed to him through the discovery of his name in red ochre on the ceiling of the burial chamber is one of the subsidiary pyramid as well as through inscribed artifacts found in the area.
4- The lower part of the pyramid is made of blocks of red Aswan granite.
5- The enterance to the pyramid on the north face about 4 M above ground level .
6- Menkaure’s burial chamber is completely structured unlike those of Cheops and Khafre .
This fact reflects a series of transformation that could only have been made during the course of the work . 
7- There are 2 burial chambers , one original and one newer , lower and final.
Recently Vyse discovered a basalt sarcophagus decorated with the typical “ palace “ facade reliefs with its cover broken, containg a wooden sarcophagus and the remains of a mummified body .
Unfortunately, both the beautiful sarcophagus and what might have been the remains of Menkaure were lost in 1838 when the Beatrice sank off cathage as she was carring them to England .

