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The 4 shrines of Tut

The 4 shrines of Tut

The first shrine

The most famous

- on every leaf of the double door there is rectangular panel which has a representation on it on the 1 st one there is a divinity holding the ankh sign with the turned up beard , he wears a headdress consisting of 2 plumes, sun disk , 2 ram horns .
- 2 wd , ot eyes are represented to link the deceased with the outer world of living .
- ( on the other leaf ) there is pawless and headless leonine creature is may indicate that the wild animals that ancient Egyptians were afraid of during their lifetime were represented like that to avoid their harm in the hereafter.
- ( inside the shrines ) there are spells from the book of the dead and extracts from the book of the divine cow , legend of the destruction of the mankind .
When shrine was opened wooden frame gessoed and gilded was found in between the outermost and the 2 nd shrine over this , there was a dark brown line poll decorated with rosettes made out of gilded bronze.
It’s said that this dark linen with rosettes represents the night sky with stars .

- ( the second shrine )

It takes the pr-wr shape of upper Egyptian shrine of goddess nekhbt .
On the rear part we can see goddess Isis and Nephtis outstretching their wings .
On one leaf of the double door , the king is represented between goddess Isis and God Osiris .
- [ on my other leaf ] the king is represented wearing the 2 plumes , sun desk and the 2 ram horns and is being presented by M3et the falcon headed god .
- There is a woman breathing fire to the sun disk and poor water to the serpent.
As we could see the whole scene is fire to the sun .
So they believed that the sun wouldn’t go down in the other world to gain power and collect energy in order to reborn again in the following morning .
- There is a figure in the middle whose name is [ he who hides Horus ] his head and feet surrounded by serpent inside his belly there is a disk with ran headed bird as an indication of the night sun .
- There are divinities holding ropes connected with the disease in the belly of the figure , they are trying to pull the sun out of the belly as indication to rebirth .
- There is a ram head over stand is indication to the head of Re-
- There is a jackal head over a stand as indication to the neck of Re.
The head and the neck of God Re are the creative powers of the sun God .
We could see some divinities up and others down rebounds, they represent the stages of the transformation of the second passing through the underworld , Limitless transformation .

The second shrine complete

The 3rd shrine 

the most important one is the whole scene from the book of dowt eyes what is in the underworld ? 
- it shows the journey of god Ra3 in the under war , the boat of Re is proceeded by 4 boats in there is a divinity sitting holding a feather of Ma3t in the front of him a crescent , a disk .
- in the 2nd there is a kind of a crocodile.
- in the 3rd empty , a stand : 2 trees .
- in the 4 th boat of god Re is shown standing in this shrine , in front of him stands lady of the boat with 2 horns and the sun disk .

The 4 shrine 

It takes the shape of pr-wr , the shrine of lower Goddess Neftis & Isis are represented outstretching their wings .
- there are wadjet eyes to link with the outer world of living .
- its decorated with Cavetto corniche torus moulding.

The coffins 

The coffins are usually defined as a chest in which a corpse is buried but to distinguish it from the sarcophagus it can be also defined as the container nearest to the mummified corpse .

A sarcophagus and 3 anthropoid coffins 

When the burial chamber was opened 4 shrines diminishes in size and fitting inside each other were found .
In the inner most shrine , a sarcophagus was found .
When it was opened 3 anthropoid coffins were discovered inside the innermost one , the mummy of the king was placed wrapped in linen and wearing the mask .

Development of coffins 

In the beginning they were short chests in order to contain the contracted burials . When the mummified process took place the body was placed in the chest extended so it became full length coffin . So the development of the coffins was according to the development of the preservation of the body.
- the coffins had simple inscriptions just a horizon line , pair of eyes was placed to link the deceased with the outer world of living.
- the anthropoid coffins first appeared in the 12 th dynasty , Middle Kingdom and it was a development of the idea of the mask .
As first the mask took the shape of the head , their appeared the extending masks from the front of the body , then by adding a shell from the back . 
We had the shape of the anthropoid coffin.
- the coffins were more developed in the new king as the Rich decoration appeared . Even there were colored coffins such as the white coffins with polychrome decorations , the black coffins with yellow decorations and the yellow coffins decorated with bright colors.
- in the 25 / 26 th dynasties , there are examples showing the coffin supported by a black pillar and standing on a pedestal .   

