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Abu Serga_Saint Sergius Church

 Church History 

1- Is one of the oldest Coptic Churches in Egypt . Dating back to the 4th century. 

Abu Serga_Saint Sergius Church

2- Saint Sergius Church is traditionally believed to have been built on the spot where the holy family Joseph , Mary and the infant Jesus Christ rested at the end of their Journey into Egypt , they may have lived here while Joseph worked at the fortress . 
3- This church is of significant historical importance and in fact it is where many patriarchs of the Coptic church were elected , the first to be elected here was patriarch Isaac ... 681_692.. it is the Espiscopal church of Cairo . 
4- The church is dedicated to Sergius and Bacchus who were solider saints that were martyred during the 4th century in Syria by the Roman emperor Maximilian . 
5- The building was probably constructed during the 5th century it was burned during the fire of Fustat during the reign of around 750 A.D . 
It was then restored during the 8th century and has been rebuilt and restored constantly since medieval times . 
6- However , it is still considered to be a model of the early Coptic churches and its basilican style is easily recognizable . 
This church resembles religious structures in Constantinople and Rome  . 
7- It has 2 aisles with a western turn “ a passage at the west end of the church ...along a tripartite sanctuary that measures 17* 27 m and is 15 m high . 
8- Within the sanctuary is an altar surmounted by a wooden canopy supported by 4 pillars . 
9- On the east wall of the sanctuary rises a fine _ semi circular tribune with 7 steps . 
10- There was probably a transverse room preceding the sanctuary , in front of the sanctuary but which no longer exists . 
11- In much the same style as the : hanging church 2 rows of 6 columns , each separate the aisles from the nave . 11 of these unique columns with faint painted decorations of probably apostles or saints are marble while one is of red granite 
12- While the pulpit was replaced by a copy of the pulpit in the church of Saint Barbara .
Some of the older wooden pulpit now reside in the Coptic museum in Cairo while a few others are in the British museum .
Also the oldest wooden altar in Egypt was found in the church . Now in the Coptic museum. 
13- However , the sanctuary iconostasis , a screen separating the sanctuary from the rest of the church on which icons are usually displayed , is a beautiful work of art which probably dates to the 12th or 13th century. 
14- The several panels are inlaid with ivory , ebony and covered in a wonderful relief that features arabesque designs . 
The apse is encrusted with strips of marble and decorated with mosaics . 
15- There are some wooden panels within the church that are of earlier date , and depict fine screens of saints on horse back . 
The nativity and the last supper. 
There are number of the relatively old icons that date perhaps to the 17th century . 
They show various scenes depicting the life of Christ the Virgin Mary and some of the Saints . 

The crypt 

1- Contains the remains of the original church where tradition says the holy family lived .
2- Unfortunately , this area of church has some times been in accessible due to the presence of subterranean water .
3- Originally, this crypt which is under the modern sanctuary was itself the sanctuary of the church but became the crypt after the larger church was built .
4- It measures 6 m long * 4 m wide and is 2.5 high within it is north , south and east walls are niches .
Sometimes after the crypt was originally built 2 rows of slender columns were erected to form a nave with 2 aisles .
Left : the stairs leading down into the crypt where it is believed the holy family stayed during staying in Egypt .
Above right : the floor plan of the crypt below the main sanctuary of the more modern structure .
Being tied to the holy family , the church of saints Sergius and Bacchus continues to be a draw for Christian visitors as it has since medieval times .
On the 24th of the Coptic church month called Bashons which corresponds to the first day of June in the western calendar .
The Coptic church commemorates the holy family’s flight into Egypt .
Amass is still held on that day in this ancient church .
