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Amr Ibn El-as Mosque

 Arab Conquest 

1- The Leader Amr Ibn El-as open Egypt in 640 A.D during the reign of Calliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and received a fortress of Babylon from Cyrus the ruler of Egypt in 641 A.D . 
It seemed a new era in the history of Egypt. 
2- Amr Ibn Al-as secured the Copts of Egypt for their lives and Property and guaranteed freedom of faith and gave bishop Benjamin pope Coptic Egyptian Security after having been hidden from the Byzantines Chase him for 13 years . 

Arab - Muslim invasion of Egypt 

1- In 641 A.D Egypt was invaded by the Arabs who faced off with Byzantine army . 
2- The Arabs imposed a special tax known as tribute  on the Christians who a acquired the status of dhimmis and all native Egyptians were prohibited from joining The army Egyptian Convert’s to islam . 
3- Egyptians become knows as Copts and Egyptian church became knows as the Coptic church . 

The Islamic Conquest of Egypt 

- In 639 an army of about 4000 men was sent against Egypt by the second caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab under the command of commander Amr Ibn Al-as . 
- This army was joined by another 5000 men , and defeated a Byzantine army at the battle of Heliopolis. 
- Next proceeded in the direction of Alexandria . 
- Which was surrendered to him by a treaty signed on November 8 , 641 A.D . 
- Alexandria was regained for the Byzantine empire in 645 but was retaken by Amr Ibn Al-as in 646 A.D . 
- In return for attribute of money and food for the troops of occupation , the Christian in habitants of Egypt were excused  military service and left free in the observance of their religion and The administration of their affairs . 

Conversions of Copts to Islam 

- Were at first was maintained the old system of taxation for the greater part of the first Islamic Century . 
- The old division of the country into districts was maintained and to the inhabitants of these districts demands were directly addressed by the governor of Egypt . 
- The resentment of the Coptic against taxation , however led to a revolt in 725 to strengthen Arab representation , a Colony of 3000 Arabs was set up near Belbeis  . 
- Meanwhile, the employment of the Arab language has been steadily gaining ground and in 706 it was made the official language of the government . 
- Other revolts of the Copts were recorded for the year 739 and 750 , the last year of Umayyad domination . 

Al-Fustat The Capital 

After the creation of a new capital for Egypt by Amr Ibn Al-as , the city of Fustat , Amr decided that there would be a mosque in which Muslims would perform Friday prayers
The mosque was not at this time this area or inscriptions as the mosque was built of mud bricks and its roof from palm trunks , in addition to a well that was known as the orchard and was used by worshipers to perform ablution . 

Amr Ibn El-as Mosque

 The design of the Mosque

It was built in a shape of a rectangular low shed of wood and palm leaves . 
Supported on columns of Palm stems , stones and mud bricks while the floor was covered with gravel . 
About 80 from the prophets companions participating in building . 

Tomb of Abdullah Ibn Amr 

It’s located at the Southern angle of the qibla riwaq below the dome . 
It is one of the important features of this Mosque . 

