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The Citadel

The Citadel

 Who built it ? 

1- Saladin was born in Tikrit in Iraq and was sent Damascus to finish his education , his Arabic name is Salah Al-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub  . 
2- He learned the fikh principles of Islamic thought and dealing “ the literature - the military traing - the horse riling and the war arts . 
3- He was described as a gentle mild tempered person who was even shy and had the ability to choose his men and consultants they would listen to his advice and opinions .
4- He joined with his uncle Assad Al-Din in expeditions which were sent by Sultan Muhammad to confront The Crusades troops from Egypt . 
5- Only few years later , he became the sole ruler of Egypt Thus , making the end of Fatimid rule and the beginning Ayyubid period in Egypt . 
6- The Sultan ruled with Justice ,  rewarded and punished . 
This Citadel was built by the orders of Salah Al-Din . The founder of Ayyubid period dynasty in Egypt in order to secure the seat of government as well as to fortify the city against the Crusaders . 

The main function of the citadel 

1- To fortify the city walls which Salah Al-Din had ordered to be built to encompass all parts of the citadel to protect Cairo against the Crusaders . 

The description of the Citadel 

The citadel is divided into 2 sections
Surrounded on all sides by great walls .

1- The northeast section 

1- Is the main fortified area of the Citadel , consisting of an irregular rectangle 580 M long from east to west , and 314 M from north to south ,its circumference measures nearly 200 M . 
In the middle of the wall there is a control gate called Castle door ( The Jar Gate ) . 

2- The south west section 

1- Contains Palaces, mosques and stables . 

The Towers and walls 

1- Are considered one of the most important components .
Which characterized the outside of the citadel walls .
2- At the first characterized by the coordination in construction . These walls rely on several tower’s....
1- Circular 
2- Semi circular in shape which the place almost a military impression . 
3-While the second section almost extends as if it were curtain with no towers in its way .
4- There is a passage way spread through the walls which leads to square chambers...
 This passage has apertures towering above the interior of natural lighting while the chambers apertures overlooking the external wall or conical slits for arrows . 
5- In the citadel there are 17 towers with several shapes - circular and semicircular in shape and square with different dates .  

The Citadel Massacre 

- Sometimes , some people connects between Al Gawhara Palace and the famous Citadel Massacre , however , its known that the massacre happened on the 1st of the March 1811 while Muhammad Ali began the building of the Palace in 1812 . 
- Muhammad Ali , laid a trap for his enemies in 1811 , pretending that he wanted to come to terms with them . 
- He invited every available Mamluk chieftain to attend a reception at the citadel , the Mamluk eagerly accepted his invitation . 
- They joined in the military procession of celebration as one of the rear ground contingent . 
- The procession was ordered to move from the Citadel along passage cut in the rock to the gate of Bab Al Azab . 
- The Pasha’s troops moved first, followed by Mamluk troops . 
As soon , however, as they had passed the gate at the end of the rocky Passage which leads to the Citadel , it was shut suddenly against the latter . 
- And Muhammad Ali forces were ordered to the top of the rocks , where they were perfectly secure from the aim of their victim . 
- And where they leisurely fired up on the defenseless Mumluks . 
- Mamluk had been killed 470 in the Cowardly Slaughter . 
- There is a legend that one Mamluk by jumped on his horse over the walls to safety . 
- Amen Bik who escaped to the desert then to south Syria . 

