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Inventions and Technology in ancient Egypt

Inventions and Technology in ancient Egypt

The Ancient Egyptians were one of the first civilizations to form in the ancient world . 
Their inventions and technology had an impact on many civilizations to come their technology included the ability to build large construction projects such as pyramids and palaces  , simple machines such as ramps and levers , and a complex system of government and religion. 


One of the most important inventions of the Ancient Egyptians was writing . 
They wrote in hieroglyphics .
Writing allowed the Egyptians to Keep accurate records and maintain control of their large empire . 

Papyrus Sheets 

The Egyptians learned how to make durable sheets of the papyrus plant . 
It was used for important documents and religious texts . 
The Egyptians kept the process to make the sheets a secret so they could sell the sheets to other civilizations such as Ancient Greece . 


The Ancient Egyptians had a wide variety of medicines and cures . 
Some of their medicines were quite strange . 
For example , they used honey and human brains to cure eye infections . 
They also used a whole cooked mouse to help cure coughs . 
Many of their medicines were accompanied by spells to ward off the evil spirits making the person sick . 


With the Nile River playing a major role in the lives of the Egyptians , building ships was a big part of their technology . 
They originally built small boats from papyrus reeds  , but later began to build large ships from cedar wood imported from Lebanon . 


The Egyptians needed a good understanding of mathematics and geometry to build the pyramids and other large buildings . They also used math and numbers to keep track of business transactions . 
For numbers they used a decimal system.
They didn’t have numerals for 2 - 9 or zero . 
They just had numbers for factors of 10 such as 1 , 10 , 100 , etc . 


All Egyptians wore makeup  , even the men . 
They made a dark eye makeup called Kohl from soot and other minerals . 
The makeup was a fashion statement ,but it also had the side effect of protecting their skin from the hot desert sun . 


Because their bread had so much grit and sand in it , the Egyptians had a lot of problems with their teeth . They invented the toothbrush and toothpaste in an effort to take care of their teeth . 
They used a wide variety of ingredients to make their toothpaste including ashes , eggshells , and even ground up ox hooves . 

Fun Facts about the inventions of Ancient Egypt 

- The Ancient Egyptians didn’t start using the wheel until it was introduced by foreign invaders using the chariot . 
- The word for paper comes from the Greek word for the papyrus plant . 
- The Egyptian number for one million was a picture of a god with his arms raised in the air . 
-They invented a game similar to bowling where the bowler tried to roll a ball into a hole. 
-They invented large door locks which used keys . Some of the Keys were up to 2 feet long . 

Boats and Transportation 

The Egyptians didn’t build roads to travel around their empire. They didn’t need to . 
Nature had already built them a superhighway right through the middle of their empire called the Nile River. 

Most of the major cities in Ancient Egypt were located along the banks of the Nile River.
As a result , the Egyptians used the Nile for transportation and shipping from very early on . 

They became experts at building boats and navigation the river. 

Early Boats : 
Early Egyptians learned to make small boats out of the papyrus plant . 
They were easy to construct and worked well for fishing and short trips . 
Most of the papyrus boats were small and were steered with oars and poles  . 
The typical boat was long and thin and the ends came to a point that stuck out of the water . 

Wooden Boats 
Eventually the Egyptians began to make boats from wood . 
They used acacia wood from Egypt and imported cedar wood from 
Lebanon . 

They also began to use a giant sail in the middle of the boat so they could catch the wind when heading upstream . 

The Egyptians built their wooden boats without nails . 
Boats were often made from a number of short planks that were hooked together and tied tight with ropes . 
Steering was accomplished by using a large rudder oar at the back of the ships . 

Cargo Ships 

The Egyptians learned how to build large and sturdy cargo ships . 
They sailed these up and down the Nile and into the Mediterranean Sea to trade with other countries .

These ships could hold lots of cargo .
Some ships were used to carry huge stones weighing as much as 500 tons from the rock quarry to where the pyramids were being constructed . 

Funeral Boats 

The Egyptians believed that a boat was needed in the afterlife in order to journey to the heavens. 

Sometimes a small model of a boat was buried with a person .
Often times a full size boat was included in the tombs of Pharaohs and other wealthy Egyptians . 

There were 35 boats of some type in the pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb . 

Rowing or sailing 

It turns out that the Nile had another great advantage for boating . 
When boats were traveling north , they would be going with the current . 
When the ships were traveling south , they generally had the wind blowing in their direction and would use a sail . 
The ships often had oars to gain even more speed when traveling in either direction .

How do we know about the boats of Ancient Egypt ? 

Very few boats from Ancient Egypt have survived for archeologists to study . 
However, because of the religious importance of boats , there are many surviving models and pictures of boats . These models and pictures tell archaeologists a lot about how the boats were constructed and how they were used . 

Fun Facts about Egyptian Boats 

- The first papyrus boats are estimated to have been made around 4000 B.C . 
- The Egyptians developed many types of boats . Some were specialized for fishing and traveling , while others were designed for carrying cargo or going to war .
- Temples and Palaces were often connected to the Nile River using manmade canals . 
- The pharaoh used a magnificent boat covered with gold and fancy carvings . 
- The Egyptian sun god was said to travel across the sky on a boat during the day and across the Underworld on a boat at night .  

