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Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone

Stone Effect

The learner of Egyptian civilisation must store in his memory a set of constants , on top of which are a group of elements that have opened the door wide for anyone who wants to know something about Egyptian civilisation . 

And the Rosetta Stone comes on top of these constants.

And talking about this effect means talking about stone , space , time and people . 
As for the stone , it is from black basalt . 

As for the place , it is Rashid , one of the cities of Beheira Governorate .
196 BC and 1799 AD and 1822 AD . 

As for the first date , it is the date of recording the text on the stone during the reign of King Ptolemy the Fifth , and the second date is the year that this stone was uncovered by the soldiers of the French campaign while they were digging a trench around the castle of Saint Julian near Rashid , and the third date is the date of Champoll’s decoding Hieroglyphic writing . 

As for the human being , it is the young French scientist Champollion . 

Fortunately for the Egyptian civilisation, the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799 AD , the stone that included the keys to the ancient Egyptian language , and without which the Egyptian civilisation would have remained mysterious , we don’t know anything  about it because we cannot read the writings that the ancient Egyptians wrote on their antiquities 
After the discovery , the young Frenchman Chameleon and other researchers obtained a copy of the stone . 

He studied it , showing great interest in the hieroglyphic script and drawing on his long experiences in the Ancient Greek language and in the ancient languages in general . 
Rasheed stone currently preserved in the British Museum of black basalt is irregular in shape 113 cm high and 75 cm wide and 27.5 thickness , parts of the above and below have been lost  . 

The stone includes , among other things, a decree of the priests gathered in the city of Memphis , “ Mit Rahina - Badrashin Center - Giza Government “ in which they thanked King Ptolemy the Fifth around 196 BC .

For stopping the endowments on the temples and exempting the priests from certain obligations.

This decree was recorded in three lines  , which are in order of writing from top to bottom : hieroglyphics, demotic , Greek . 

The bulk of the hieroglyphic font and a small part of the Greek text have been lost . 
The priests wanted to record this gratitude thanks to the Ptolemaic king in the official line which is the hieroglyphic line , and the daily life line prevailing in this period , which is the demotic line, then the Greek font , the line in which the language of the Ptolemies who wrote they are occupying Egypt . 

The stone’s discoverers had suggested that the stone contained one text with three different lines , and it later turned out that their suggestions were correct  . 
After the stone was moved to Cairo, Napoleon made several copies of it to be accessible to those interested in Europe in general, and France in particular, in Egyptian civilisation . 

The stone had arrived in Britain in 1802 under an agreement concluded between England and France , and England had received the stone to settle in the British Museum in London . 

The researchers began translating the Greek text , and the two researchers, Silvestre de Sassi and Acerblad , showed particular interest in the demotic script . 

The first important steps in the field of hieroglyphics came at the hands of the English scientist Thomas Young who obtained a copy of the Rosetta Stone in 1814 CE and assumed that the  cartridges  contained royal names and relied on other similar texts such as the series found in the villa of 1815 CE which included a text in Greek and another in hieroglyphics . 

Despite all the previous efforts in deciphering the Rosetta Stone , the greatest credit is due to the French scientist “ Jean-François Champollion “ , Champollion had to make a set of assumptions , the first of which are the three “ hieroglyphic - demotic - Greek “ lines representing three different texts in terms of content or are they one topic , but it was written in the official “ hieroglyphic “ script and the daily life style prevailing in this “ demotic  “ period , then in the language of the Greeks who were occupying Egypt .

The second assumption, concerning the structure of the ancient Egyptian language , is it based on the alphabet of any group of letters, such as living languages , for example , or is it written with signs whose phonetic value ranged between a letter and two or three or perhaps more .

And third assumption. Did you know this writing the vowels ? 
Are the signs graphic or sound ? What are the tools used by the Egyptian to determine the meaning of vocabulary? 
Did you use allocations and explanatory marks ?
These assumptions, questions , and others must have been circulating in the mind of universalists dealing with the stone and he must have drawn his attention that there is more than one line of the ancient Egyptian language as well as questions from it : 
Is there a linear relationship between hieroglyphics , hieratic and Demotic ?
Is there a linguistic relationship in the field of rules and exchange ? 

Then these cylindrical signs in the hieroglyphic text that surround some hieroglyphic signs that we later known as the cartridge , what do they mean? 
Champollion read the Greek text and understood its content and read the name of King Ptolemy , and it is clear that he followed the method of relying on the names of the media unchangeable in all languages except for the pronunciation of some letters , and moved from the assumption that this decree issued during the reign of King Ptolemy the Fifth in 196 BC.

He must have written alongside Greek with two lines of the national language , and the name Ptolemy in two Greek letters must be hieroglyphic and demotic . 
The Rosetta Stone included one “ cartridge “ , which was repeated six times , including the name of King Ptolemy , the name given to the obelisk “ Philae “ in addition to the name Cleopatra . 

Champollion recorded the marks contained in the Ptolemy cartridge and its number and did the same for the Cleopatra cartridge contained in the Philae obelisk because the two names share the phonetic value of some marks such as the alpha , ta , and lam .
He recorded the same names in Greek and the number of each letter thereof , and he met the first sign of the name Ptolemy with hieroglyphics and what corresponds to him in his name in Greek within the framework of the method that I mentioned earlier , which meant that the constants in the names of the flags do not change and thus he was able to recognise the vocal value of some hieroglyphic signs depending on its value in Greek . 
And with more comparative studies , Champollion was able to recognise the acoustic value of many of the signs . 

And in 1822 Champollion announced to the world from Paris that he had been able to decipher the ancient Egyptian language , and that the structure of the world in the Egyptian language is not based on an alphabet but rather on signs that give the phonemic value of one letter and the other for two and three for three , and emphasised the use of allocations at the end of the vocabulary to determine the meaning word.

Thus , Champollion put the first building blocks in the edifice of the ancient Egyptian language , and came from several hundreds of researchers who contributed to the completion of the construction of this monument . 

With the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian language , the mystery began to be cleared from the Egyptian civilisation , and Egyptology began to find its way strongly among other sciences . 

