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Valley of the Kings

Its importance

Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings was a great burial ground for the Pharaohs . 
After around 1500 B.C . 
The Pharaohs no longer built great pyramids in which to be buried . 
Instead , most of them were buried in tombs in the Valley of the Kings . 

How many Tombs are in the Valley of the Kings ? 

There are over 60 tombs in the Valley of the Kings . 
They vary from small tombs that are little more than a large hole in the ground to very large tombs with over 100 underground chambers . 
Unfortunately , most of the tombs were looted thousands of years ago and the treasure was stolen or removed by thieves . 
There is artwork on the walls , however , that allows archaeologists to learn much about the lives of the Pharaohs and other leaders who were buried here . 
The one tomb that was discovered with much of the treasure and tomb still intact was that of Tutankhamun . 

The Tomb of Tutankhamun

The most famous tomb in the Valley of the Kings is that of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun , sometimes called King Tut  . 
It was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter and had been largely untouched by thieves and vandals . 
Carter found the tomb under the remains of some workmen’s huts  . 
This may be why it had not been found by tomb raiders  . 
The tomb was packed with amazing artifacts including King Tut’s mummy , a gold mask , and a solid gold inner coffin . 
The tomb contained several chambers including the burial chamber, antechamber, treasure chamber , and annex . 

King Tut’s Curse 

There is a long standing mystery about the curse of King Tut’s tomb . 
Rumor had it that a tablet inside the tomb had a curse on it and Howard Carter hid the tablet so his workers wouldn’t know . 
However , the rumors of a curse are most likely made up . 
There weren’t a lot of deaths or bad things that happened to those who opened the tomb or Tutankhamen’s mummy.

Who else was buried here ? 

The first Pharaoh to be buried in the Valley of the Kings was Tuthmosis I . 
Over the next 500 years many more Pharaohs were buried here including many of the Rameses ( I , II , III , IV , V , VI , IX , X ) , Hatshepsut , Amemhotep I , and Tutankhamun 

Fun Facts about the Valley of the Kings 

  • Today tourists can visit many of the tombs including Tutankhamun’s  . 
  • There is graffiti on the tombs from other cultures and times including Greek , Latin and Phoenician . 
  • Although we don’t know who was Pharaoh during the Exodus in the Bible , due to the time frame , it is likely that he was buried in the Valley of the Kings . 
  • Tomb workers lived in a close by town called Deir El Medina . 
  • Tutankhamun was buried with a lock of hair from his Grandmother.

How big was the tomb ? 

The tomb was fairly small for a Pharaoh . 
Archaeologists believe that it was built for an Egyptian noble , but was used for Tutankhamun when he died at a young age . 

The tomb had four main rooms :
  • The antechamber was the first room that Carter entered . Among its many items included three funeral beds and the pieces of four chariots . 
  • The burial chamber contained the sarcophagus and King Tut’s mummy . 
  • The mummy was contained in three nested coffins . The final coffin was made of solid gold . 
  • The treasury contained the king’s Canopic chest which held his organs . 
  • There were also many treasures such as gilded statues and model boats . 
  • The annex was full of all sorts of objects including board games , oils and dishes . 

Was there really a curse ? 

At the time that King Tut’s tomb was opened , many people thought that there was a curse that would affect anyone who invaded the tomb . 
When Lord Carnarvon died from a mosquito bite a year after entering the tomb , people were sure the tomb was cursed . 
Soon rumors began to spread that increased the belief and fear of the curse . 
Newspapers reported a curse inscribed on the door of the tomb . 
A story was told that Howard Carter’s pet canary was eaten by a cobra on the day he entered the tomb . 
It was also said that 13 of the 20 people who were present at the opening of the burial chamber died within a few years . 
However , these were all just rumors . 
When scientists look at the number of people who died within 10 years of entering the tomb , it is the same number as would normally believed .

